  • 期刊


Benefits of Lower Extremity Occlusion Training on Improving Muscular Fitness in Post-Surgical People or Elderly Population-Possible Mechanisms and Practical Applications


背景:運動傷害/手術後需進行復健治療或高齡族群,均面臨肌肉量減少與肌力下降。高強度重量訓練有助維持或提升肌肉量/肌力,但對上述族群進行訓練初期似乎較不適合使用高強度阻力運動。結語:對下肢運動傷害手術後之患者而言,在執行復健運動初期主要著重於促進肌群活化與避免肌肉萎縮發生,因此建議以低強度阻力運動搭配加壓模式,可同時促進肌力增加與維持肌肉量。然而,加壓訓練使用上則應密切注意傷口癒合情形,而且仍需更多研究資料來支持目前使用於該族群的加壓訓練建議。高齡者在訓練計畫中,將耐力或阻力訓練結合加壓(加壓壓力應 ≤ 1.3倍收縮壓,強度約45% HRR或10%-30% 1 RM)可獲得最大肌力促進效益,而高齡族群在加壓訓練的使用上應特別注意心血管病史問題。


Background: Post-injured/surgical athletes needing rehabilitation or elderly populations show decreases in muscle mass, strength, and bone mass. Although heavy resistance training is effective to maintain or increase muscle mass/strength, traditional heavy resistance exercise model seems to be inappropriate for these populations, particularly during the beginning of exercise training. Summary: The initial rehabilitation goal for low-extremity injured persons primarily focuses on promoting muscle activation and preventing disuse atrophy, thus the low-intensity resistance exercise plus occlusion would be recommended to enhance strength and maintain muscle mass. However, the condition of wound healing should be closely monitored during occlusion training, and more investigations are warranted to further verify the current recommendations for occlusion training in this population. For elderly persons, the endurance or resistance exercise plus occlusion (≤ 1.3 times of systolic blood pressure; intensity: 45% HRR for endurance or 10%-30% of 1RM for resistance) would be recommended to maximize the benefits on improving muscle strength, but the history of cardiovascular diseases needs to be carefully considered before performing training.


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