  • 期刊


The Effect of Concurrent Aerobic and Resistance Circuit Exercise on the Elder's Physical Fitness, Sports Self-Cognition and Interpersonal Relationship




團體運動 健康體能 銀髮族


Purpose: The present research aims to study the effects of concurrent aerobic and resistance circuit exercise in physical fitness on the community elders. Methods: Fifty-five community elders of the age over 65 years old were divided into two groups randomly. Twenty-eight people in the experimental group were ordered with the concurrent aerobic and resistance circuit exercise by 40 min/ times and continued 3 times in one week for 12 weeks. The other twenty-seven people as the control group remained their daily activities. Intra- and inter-group functional fitness, exercise self-efficacy expectation, exercise outcome expectation, and interpersonal relationships changes were determined before and after the concurrent aerobic and resistance circuit exercise. Results: The functional fitness including muscle force, cardio-respiratory endurance, agility, dynamic and static balance, and flexibility of the lower extremities of the experimental group after concurrent aerobic and resistance circuit exercise was significantly better than the control group. Besides, exercise self-efficacy expectation, exercise outcome expectation, and the interpersonal relationship were scored significantly higher than before the training in the experimental group. However, the significant difference of the experimental group was only shown on the interpersonal relationship. Conclusion: The present research showed that the concurrent aerobic and resistance circuit exercise excellently promotes physical fitness and interpersonal relationships for the elders in the community.


group exercise health-related fitness elders


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