  • 期刊


Effects of Different Types of Foam Roller Intervention on Muscular and Vascular Stiffness After an Acute Bout of Resistance Exercise: A Pilot Study


目的:探討高強度阻力運動過後,使用一般滾筒與震動滾筒對於血管與肌肉硬度之影響。方法:10名大學生參與此重複量數設計之實驗,在90% one repetition maximum(1RM)× 5次反覆 × 3組下肢斜上推舉後,立即使用一般滾筒或震動滾筒放鬆「右腿」前側三分鐘,於運動前、放鬆後立即測量雙腿肌肉與血管硬度。結果:不論是一般滾筒組或震動滾筒組,在肌肉硬度指標上無顯著差異。在血管功能變化方面,兩組的肱踝指數和肘動脈收縮壓前後皆達顯著差異,在肱踝脈波傳導速度、踝動脈血壓則無顯著差異。結論:本次研究發現兩種類型滾筒皆無放鬆肌肉和血管硬度之效果。


血管功能 關節活動度 放鬆


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of vibration and non-vibration foam roller on vascular and muscular stiffness after an acute bout of high-intensity resistance training. Methods: Ten college students volunteered to participate in this repeated-measures designed study. All participants performed 3 sets × 5 reps at 90% one repetition maximum (1RM) with leg press machine. After exercise, participants used vibration or non-vibration foam roller to massage right quadriceps immediately with a randomized order. Muscle (elastography) and vascular (brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity, ankle-brachial index) stiffness were measured in both legs before and after exercise. Results: Regardless of the types of foam roller, there was no significant difference in muscular stiffness index. For vascular function, ankle-brachial index and brachial systolic blood pressure significantly increased after exercise in both groups; however, there was no group and time difference on vascular parameter changes. Conclusion: We concluded that immediate intervention of foam roller after exercise did not appear to affect muscular and vascular stiffness.


vascular function joint mobility relaxing


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