  • 期刊


The Effect of Pedometer-Based Progressive Program on Physical Activity and Functional Performance in Sedentary Senior Adults


目的:探討十週計步器漸進目標設定介入方案對坐式生活習慣之高齡者身體活動與身體功能的影響。方法:43位60歲以上坐式生活習慣高齡者分為計步器介入組(pedometer group,PG)21位及控制組(control group,CG)22位。在十週介入期間,PG組需每日佩戴計步器,並依受試者前測值每二週調整一次目標步數。CG組則維持日常生活作息。結果:十週介入後,PG組平均每日步行數增加達65.16%,並顯著高於CG組(p<.001);在身體功能表現方面,PG組的30秒坐站及30秒肱二頭肌彎舉測驗皆顯著改善,但改善程度與CG組未達顯著差異。結論:十週計步器漸進目標設定方案介入可顯著提升坐式生活習慣高齡者之身體活動量,但對身體功能性表現幫助有限。


走路 體適能 漸進負荷 個別化


Purpose: To investigate the effect of a 10-week pedometer-based progressive program on physical activity and functional performance in sedentary senior adults. Methods: Forty-three sedentary seniors (aged ≥ 60 years) were recruited and assigned to pedometer-based program group (PG, n = 21) and control group (CG, n = 22). The participants in PG were asked to wear pedometers to record daily steps and the activity volumes was asked to increase every two weeks. There was no intervention in CG. Results: The average activity volumes in PG was significantly increased by 65.16% than that of CG (p < .001). There was significant difference showing on improvement of chair stand test and arm curl test in PG, but there was no difference when compared to CG. Conclusion: This 10-week pedometer-based program is benefit to improvement of daily physical activity, but not to functional movements for sedentary senior adults.


walking fitness progressive load individualization


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陳家羚、莊淑娸、張歆妤、江勁政(2022)。從WHO 2020身體活動指引觀點探討肌力與平衡能力對高齡者之重要性運動表現期刊9(2),79-91。https://doi.org/10.53106/240996512022090902002
