  • 期刊

使用Quad Helix裝置治療單側後牙錯咬-病例報告

Unilateral Posterior Crossbite Corrected by Quad Helix Appliance - A Case Report


後牙錯咬在乳牙及混合齒列時期,是一種常見的咬合不正類型,其中又以單側後牙錯咬占大多數,且常伴隨有下顎骨功能性偏移的現象。病因為上顎齒列或上顎骨寬度相對下顎的比例較小,因此在咬合時因產生干擾而偏移,形成單側後牙錯咬。治療方式以擴張上顎及去除咬合干擾為目標,有選擇性牙齒修磨、W arch裝置、Quad helix裝置、快速和慢速上顎擴張、活動式擴張板等選擇。需早期診斷早期治療以免成年後變成複雜骨性問題。本案例為一有單側後牙錯咬的5歲7個月女孩,使用Quad helix裝置經3個月治療後矯治回正常咬合。


Posterior crossbite is one of the most prevalent malocclusions in the primary and early mixed dentition. The most common form of posterior crossbite is a unilateral presentation with a functional shift of the mandible towards the crossbite side. The etiology is usually insufficient maxillary arch width, which causing interference during occlusion and lead to mandibular deviation. The purpose of treatment is to expand the maxillary arch width and eliminate the interference. There are many treatment options such as selective tooth grinding, W arch appliance, Quad helix appliance, Fast and slow maxillary expansion, removable expansion plate⋯etc. The purpose of early treatment is to prevent permanent deviation and craniofacial asymmetry in adult. This case is a 5-year-7 month-old girl with unilateral posterior crossbite. Her crossbite problem was corrected after 3 months of Quad helix appliance treatment.
