  • 期刊


The Vibratory Analysis of Tennis Racket in Flat Serve


目的:本研究旨在探討不同球速群組在網球平擊發球時球拍的振動頻率、振動次數及振動時間的差異。方法:以10位國內優秀男子網球手為研究對象,並依發球速度區分為高速群與低速群各5位,將內含加速規的慣性感測器裝置在球拍上,以探測球拍擊球時的振動情形。所測得資料以成對t檢定、單因子變異數分析及z檢定等統計方式進行分析(α = .05)。結果:一、10位選手球拍在未裝置與裝置慣性感測器的發球球速並無顯著差異,顯示球拍裝置慣性感測器並不會影響選手發球的球速。二、高速群與低速群的受試者球拍的平均振動時間在三軸方向並無顯著差異,顯示二個群組內受試者的球拍振動時間並沒有太大的差異。三、高速群與低速群的球拍平均振動時間在三軸方向皆呈現顯著差異,高速群在X軸大於低速群,但是高速群Y軸和Z軸卻明顯小於低速群。結論:一、X軸的振動次數大於Y、Z軸,乃因X軸方向在球拍擊球瞬間是往前,所以影響平擊發球的關鍵為X軸振動情況。二、依球拍振動頻率次數及時間來看,可見高速群在擊球瞬間能有效地利用甜蜜區擊球,且高速群在球拍接觸球後動能傳輸的效果較佳。三、網球平擊發球擊球瞬間球拍面振動情況相似,證明利用慣性感測器測量選手網球擊球球拍振動表現是可行的方式。


Purposes: This study aim to investigate the difference in vibration frequency, vibration number of times and vibration time of racquet when the ball was given in different ball groups. Methods: 10 domestic excellent men's tennis players as the object of study, according to the speed of the serve is divided into high-speed group and low-speed group, will contain accelerometer inertial sensor device on the racket to detect the racket hit the ball. The measured data were analyzed by paired t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Z test (α = .05). Results: (1) Ten player's racket in the device were not installed with the device inertia sensor ball speed is no significant difference, showing that the racket device inertia sensor does not affect the serve speed. (2) The average vibration time of the racquet of the high-speed group and the low-speed group was not significantly different in the three dimensions, indicating that the racquet vibration time of the subjects in the two groups are similar. (3) The average vibration time of the racquet in the high-speed group and the low-speed group shows a significant difference in the three dimensions. The high-speed group is larger than the low-speed group in the X-axis, but the Y- and Z-axes of the high speed group are obviously smaller than those of the low speed group. Conclusions: (1) The X-axis vibration number of times is greater than the of Y-, Z-axis, because the X-axis direction in the racket is the moment forward, so the impact of flat-hit the key to the X-axis vibration. (2) According to the number of racquet vibration frequency and time point of view, it shows the high-speed group hit the ball instantly effective on sweet spot, and high-speed group in the racket after touching the ball kinetic energy transmission better. (3) The tennis hit the ball instantaneous racket surface vibration is similar to the use of inertial sensors to measure tennis racket vibration performance is a viable way.


邱豐傑、李鑑芸、趙曉涵(2010)。網球公開賽男子單打之發球技能分析研究:以2009 年四大網球公開賽為例。臺大體育學報。19,37-53。
