  • 期刊


A Study for Sports Injury Surveillance Systems


對選手而言,運動傷害不但減少了他們上場的機會,嚴重的傷害更會使選手被迫提前結束運動員生涯。為了監測運動員的運動傷害,國外已開發有許多運動傷害監測系統。然而,一個運動傷害監測系統不單單只是記錄運動傷害,還包含了許多功能,因此本文主要探討運動傷害監測系統的記錄方法以及功能。文中介紹常見的運動傷害監測系統,也針對美國大學生體育協會的傷害監控系統(National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, NCAA ISS)與運動傷害監控系統(Sports Injury Management System, SIMS)進行探討。有鑑於國內目前還沒有一套完整的運動傷害管理系統,希望本文的內容能作為未來設計運動傷害監測系統的參考。


For athletes, sports injuries might reduce their chances to play and server injuries would even force them to end their sports career at a younger age. In order to monitor the athlete’s sports injuries, many sports injury surveillance systems were designed in foreign countries. A sports injury surveillance system not only records sport injury, but also contains many functions. This paper mainly discusses the recording methods and functions of the sports injury monitoring system. Common injury surveillance systems are introduced and National Collegiate Athletic Injury Surveillance System (NCAA ISS) and Sport Injury Management System (SIMS) are also discussed in this article. Since there is no comprehensive sports-related injury surveillance system in Taiwan so far, we hope this article could become a reference for designing sports injuries surveillance system in the future.


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