  • 期刊


The Exploratory on the Version Value of the Books Collected in the "Jigutang qun qunshu mi jian"




Gao Chengshan is a famous book collector in the late Ming Dynasty around Jiaxing area. He has edited a rare book "Jigutang qun qunshu mi jian", included twenty one kinds of books. Among them, the "Xuan guai lu" compiled by Cheng Yizhong is well known. However, there are still many fictions in this series of books that have not yet been valued. Another version of the collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei is called "Ji Gu Tang Cong ke". This version contains eleven kinds and forty-three volumes. It is a series of books published in different periods, which are duplicated in the collection of "Jigutang qun qunshu mi jian" and "Shuo fu". Some versions of these fictions overlap several types of "Gushi Wenfang xiaoshuo". Based on these discussions, in addition to studying the cross-cutting effects of the compilation of the series in the late Ming Dynasty, the value of the version received was checked through text comparison.


(唐)牛僧孺、李復言著;程毅中點校:《玄怪錄.續玄怪錄》(北京:中華書局,2006 年)。
(唐)佚名:《灌畦暇語》(臺北:藝文印書館 1969 年,《百部叢書集成》影印《奇晉齋叢書》本)。
(唐)薛用弱:《集異記》(南京:鳳凰出版社,2016 年,《子海珍本編.靜嘉堂文庫》冊 5 據篆楷雜寫抄本複印)。
(五代)馮贄;張力偉點校:《雲仙散錄》(北京:中華書局,1986 年)。
(宋)上官融:《友會談叢》(據中國國家圖書館藏周星怡校跋之抄本,善本書號 05387)。
