  • 期刊


Analysis of the Objective Realistic Meaning of Dai Zhen's Li(rule)-Li(norm) Structure




戴震 孟子字義疏證 客觀現實


Scholars have had positive and negative comments on Dai Zhen's theory in the past. This paper finds that there is a convergence point, that is, we should find a way to construct Dai Zhen's Confucianism theory between objective reality and moral subject. Therefore, this article will use Dai Zhen's Li (rule)-Li (norm) structure to expose how to pay attention to objective reality and clarify the meaning of objective reality. The conclusion of this paper contains two messages. First of all, Dai Zhen's real thought of "Li (rule)" is not only that he does not want to deny "Li (rule)", but he also wants to connect "Li(rule)-Li(norm)" through "principle". He puts the focus directly on "Li (norm)" because "Li(norm)" has strong objective and practical significance. This can remove the Li (rule) form of personal opinion, because such Li (rule) has actually been separated from the objective reality. If a person can abide by "Li(norm)", he will actually achieve "Li(rule)". Because Dai Zhen wants to reveal the true "Li (rule)", he questioned Li (rule) of Song Confucianism or "borrowing Li (rule) to kill people." To put it bluntly, "Li(rule)-Li(norm)" inherits the traditional elements of Confucianism and returns the human ethics of the ancient sage to the actual things in daily life. Furthermore, because "Li(rule)-Li(norm)" is concerned with the actual things in daily life in human ethics. If anyone thinks that the objective reality that Dai Zhen is concerned about is away from moral activity, and even departs from the agency. There is obviously room for discussion in this statement. Perhaps some comments cannot agree that Qing (emotion) is the driving force of moral practice. But we can't deny that the agency that Dai Zhen said is still closely related to the moral subject, but this moral subject also contains the Qing (emotion) that Song Confucianism wants to remove. In other words, Dai Zhen's focus is not on "Li (rule)", but on how people use "empathy" to prove "Li(rule)", while empathy requires understanding not one person, but necessarily a group of people. This is the objective reality of Dai Zhen's Li(rule)-Li(norm) Structure.


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簡良如:〈戴震《孟子字義疏證》對人性及人群問題的反省:以《孟子》相關思想為參照〉,《臺大文史哲學報》第 62 期(2005 年 5 月),頁 183-185、187-227。(DOI:10.6258/bcla.2005.62.09)


