  • 期刊


Comparison of Confucianist and Daoist "You": "Immersing in the Arts" and "The Crevice-Wandering of the Knife"




儒道思想 工夫論 境界論 內聖外王


The Chinese character "you" (遊) connotes the attainment of a high level of expertise and skill. Both the Confucianists and the Daoists discussed the concept. In the "Shu Er" of Confucius' Analects, the four praiseworthy actions include "setting on the path of duty, letting every attainment in what is good be firmly grasped, letting perfect virtue be accorded with, and letting relaxation and enjoyment be found in the polite arts," which together represents the Confucian process to attain virtue. In the "Yangshengzhu" of the Zhuangzi, the story of the butcher cutting the ox offers the Daoist narrative of how to proceed to attain the art of living at ease with the nourishment of life. The discussion on the meanings of "you" in the Confucianist and Daoist contexts allows us to not only identify the differences between the two philosophical doctrines but also to clarify how their value tendencies represent two parallel strands, the path to a life of virtue and the path to life at ease. The contrast between the two "you" also points toward the aesthetic realm and a response to the human condition.


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(魏)王弼著,樓宇列校釋:《老子道德經注》(北京:中華書局,2008 年)。
(宋)朱熹:《四書章句集注》(臺北:大安出版,1996 年)。
