  • 期刊


The Poetic Suffering - Su Shi's Writings and Acceptance in Danzhou




蘇軾 東坡 儋州 接受


The writings of Su Shi (Su Dongpo) accomplished during his residence in Danzhou composed a picture of "victimization" which clearly showed readers the reason and process of his "suffering." When facing his suffering, Su Shi not only described it vividly but also revealed his personality as a "broad-minded" person who used the "poetic expression" to soften his "suffering," enriching its meaning and hiding it behind his "poetic" words. In the "suffering," Su Shi presented the "distinction" of the "central plains," which was connected to politics, power, and interests through imperial examination, unfolding people at that time a model that was accumulated by cultural capital could change the classes. Thus, people not only agreed with the model but also eagerly pursued it; therefore, this effect gave Su Shi a chance to make an uncivilized cultural reproduction. Moreover, Su Shi internalized cultural thoughts including Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and his life experience, integrating them into his own unique thinking and cultural taste, which turned to be the "distinction" of "Su Shi." This "distinction" consisted of the nature of literati class, so it became the object of imitation by literati. Being internalized as a part of Chinese classical culture, this "distinction" was a symbolic and representative sign. In modern society, it has already been deepened into people's mind as the indispensable cultural heritage in Chinese cultural and social fields.


Su Shi Dongpo Danzhou Acceptance


顏崑陽:〈詩是智慧的燈—「詩性心靈」的特質與「詩意義」的感發〉,《反思批判與轉向—中國古典文學研究之路》(臺北:允晨文化,2016年),頁 327-362。原收錄於《清華中文學報》第 3 期(2009 年 12 月),頁49-78。(DOI:10.6466/THJCL.200912.0049)
(漢)司馬遷撰,(唐)張守節正義:《史記》(北京:中華書局,1997 年)。
(宋)王溥:《唐會要》(北京:中華書局,1998 年)。
