  • 期刊


A Study of Relationship between Teaching Commitment and Teaching Practice for Health and Physical Education Teachers in Elementary Schools


本研究主要目的在探討健康與體育學習領域教師教學承諾與教學實踐的線性結構關係,以了解在健康與體育學習領域,教師教學承諾是否對教學實踐產生影響。本研究採以量化為主,質化為輔之方式進行研究,以質量整合方式深入探究及詮譯。研究對象為台灣地區國民小學健康與體育學習領域教師,採用自編量表為測量工具,並以分層隨機叢集抽樣方式,發出2100份問卷,共抽有效樣本842份(40.10%),以LISREL統計方式進行考驗。研究結果顯示在理論模式經修正後,樣本適配指標已達到良好的適配階段,其中χ_((11))^2=40.31(p>.05)達適配水準,其他指標也都達到適配水準,其中觀察指標RMSEA=0.08,小於接受值0.10; GFI=0.98,大於接受值0.90; AGFI=0.93,大於接受值0.90; NFI=0.98,大於接受值0.90; CFI=0.98,大於接受值0.90; RMR=0.01,小於接受值0.05; SRMR=0.02,小於接受值0.05; ECVI=0.15介於0.12-0.19信賴區間內。從各項指標顯示值檢視,也驗證了國民小學健康與體育學習領域教師教學承諾直接正向影響教學實踐。


The main purpose of the paper was to confirm the Linear Structure Relationship between teaching commitment and teaching practice in the health and physical education curriculum. This paper took the way of quantitative analysis as the main axis and qualitative analysis as the auxiliary axis to proceed with the study. The study subjects included 842 health and physical education teachers sampled by stratified random cluster sampling method from whole health and physical education teachers for the elementary schools in Taiwan. It adopted self-made questionnaire as the measure instrument. Finally, The Linear Structure Relationship Model was used to test the hypothetical theory model whether it is fit or not. This result indicated that the fit of the modification model was acceptable (X2(11) = 40.31, p>.05; RMSEA=0.08; GFI=0.98; AGFI=0.93; NFI=0.98; CFI=0.98; RMR=0.01; SRMR=0.02; ECVI=0.15 [0.12-0.19]). It showed that health and physical education teacher teaching commitment affect positively teaching practice.


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