  • 期刊


The Influence of Problem-Based-Learn (PBL) PE class on Problem-Solving Ability of Junior High School Students


目的:在探討問題導向(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)體育教學對國中學生問題解決能力之影響,以達到十二年國教培養學生系統思考與問題解決能力之素養。方法:採立意取樣,選取兩個班級進行研究,實驗組施予問題導向體育教學,控制組則採直接教學方式,並以「運動情境問題解決能力測驗卷」做為研究工具,經過8週教學後,以單因子共變數分析。結果:發現「解釋推理」、「猜測原因」、「逆向猜測原因」、「決定解決方法」、「預防問題」與「整體問題解決能力」等變項皆達顯著差異等,表示問題導向體育教學能提升國中學生之問題解決能力。結論:在十二年國教新課程綱要之理念下,建議未來健康與體育領域教師能嘗試採用問題導向體育教學,培養學生自主行動的能力,讓學生具備適應未來之核心素養。


體育 課程設計 創意教學


Purpose: This study was to explore the influence of problem-based learning (PBL) on problem-solving abilities of junior high school students. Method: The study adopts sampling and selects two classes for the research. The experimental group gave problem-based learning, and the control group adopted direct learning. We use the "Sports Situation Problem Solving Ability Test" as a research tool. Result: After 8 weeks, we find the "Interpretative Reasoning" (F=11.42, p<.05), "Guess the reason" (F=18.72, p < .05), "Reverse guess the reason" (F=27.53, p < .05), "Determine the solution" (F=6.64, p<.05), "Prevention problem" (F=6.84, p<.05), and "Overall problem solving capabilities" (F=66.87, p<.05), it shows significant differences between two group. That's mean the problem-based physical education learning can improve problem solving ability on junior high school students. Conclusion: Under the concept of the 12-year national curriculum, we suggest that PE teachers can try to use problem-based-learning strategies to encourage the students' to actively learn and reflect, and cultivate students' core literacy.


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