  • 期刊


View of Life and Interpersonal Practice in the Analects and the Laozi




孔子 老子 論語 上善若水


It is recorded in the "Biographies of Laozi and Han fei" in the Book of History that Confucius, who travelled to Chou to consult Laozi about rituals, was admonished instead that he must clear himself with no arrogance and by keeping as few desires as possible, in that as a gentleman of strict morality, one is expected to appear brainlessly. The admonishment given by Laozi implies that Confucius is arrogant enough to act selfishly and that his ambition is also unduly inappropriate. But, is it real? In the Analects, it can be seen that Confucius shows his modesty, which is a quality against arrogance, when learning rituals in the Grand Ancestral Hall. It can also be seen that in encouraging his disciples to behave neither overshooting the mark nor falling short, Confucius definitely commits himself to the way of the mean, where he proves a gentleman of few desires. If Laozi's critique is irrelevant to Confucian philosophy, then it might seem that Laozi and Confucius have their own logic, respectively, say, contradictory perspectives of life, ethical differences, and so on. In this regard, it might be significant to find the message to be sent to Confucius in Laozi's admonishment, and to discuss what Confucius is able to learn in the conservation with Laozi. Although it may not be the fact that Confucian consulted Laozi in terms of rituals, it does not prevent this article from studying the view of Life and interpersonal practice in the Analects and the Laozi.


(元)吳澄:《道德真經註》,臺北:藝文印書館,1965 年。
王淮:《老子探義》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1969 年。
王邦雄:《老子道德經的現代解讀》,臺北:遠流出版社,2010 年。
任繼愈:《中國哲學史簡編》,北京:人民出版社,1973 年。
牟宗三:《中國哲學十九講》,臺北:學生書局,1983 年。
