  • 期刊


Discourse Practice and Social Change: A Case Study of "folk songs" of The Collection of Taiwanese Folk Literature during the Japanese colonial period




The Taiwanese intellectuals of the 1920s and 1930s were stimulated by the Japanese Assimilation education and investigations of reorganize Taiwan's folk customs. To prevent the people's right to education from being replaced and the demise of their language and culture, they proceeded a native-language counterattack and cultural reconstructive movement with folk culture as the living water under the influence and enlightenment of the popular literature movement in China. They attempted to construct a self-contemporary style of "spoken language and writing word" and to developed an unique style of Taiwan's folk literature which differs from Japan and China. The launched of the "The Collection of Taiwanese Folk Literature" compiled by Li Hsian Chang in June 1936 was regarded as a masterpiece of this movement. "The Collection of Taiwanese Folk Literature" is divided into 'The Chapter of folk songs' and 'The Chapter of stories,' and 'The Chapter of folk songs' is broken down into 'folk songs,' 'children's ballads,' and 'riddles.' Taiwanese was the major written language, together with classical Chinese, vernacular Chinese and a small amount of Japanese, Romanized Pinyin, English alphabets, Arabic numerals, etc. In addition to reflecting the ecological complexity of the discourse in the cultural world at that time, it also proved the feasibility of writing 'Taiwanese alphabetization' and eliminated criticized for its lack of creative work of 'Taiwanese alphabetization.' From the thousands of sentences and phrases in the 573 Songs of Folk Songs, this article chooses representative vocabularies that can demonstrate the cultural characteristics of Taiwan as materials. The author classified them into seven types of "discourse" to highlight how the intellectuals appropriated or dropped of the colonist's works consciously and purposefully, and mixed with the oral literature of local people to create Taiwan's folk literature. How Taiwan's folk literature become an important cultural asset to resist to Japan's colonial assimilation and to strengthen Taiwan's particularity and subjectivity during the Japanese occupation period.


王詩琅著,張良澤編:《王詩琅選集第五卷‧臺灣文學重建的問題》,臺北:海峽學術出版社,2003 年。
生安鋒:《霍米巴巴》,臺北:生智出版社,2005 年。
李獻璋:《臺灣民間文學集》,臺北:龍文出版社,2006 年。
李南衡主編:《日據下台灣新文學‧明集 5 文獻資料選集》,臺北:明潭出版社, 1979 年。
李壬癸:《台灣原住民史——語言篇》,南投:臺灣省文獻會,1999 年。
