  • 期刊


Cognitive types of relational aesthetics on pet B & B


在人際疏離、少子化的現今社會,台灣飼養寵物的風氣日漸興盛,寵物變成人類慰藉心靈的存在。飼主和寵物的關係也從主人與動物轉成朋友與家庭成員,進而帶動了寵物商機的多樣化發展,寵物民宿的需求也日益提高。飼主出外過夜旅行選擇民宿,除了滿足人類需求,亦希望能與寵物一同過夜。寵物民宿的出現使得寵物不再只是顧家或是寄宿於寵物店,能陪伴家庭成員一同出遊,不僅提供飼主心靈慰藉,飼主亦能在寵物短暫的生命中創造美好的回憶。關係美學(Relational Aesthetics)源自於藝術表演的領域,主要是強調藝術作品的作者或提供者與欣賞者或使用者面對面的互動關係。本研究採取此觀念,以寵物民宿的使用者為對象,了解其在寵物民宿使用及與寵物民宿主人互動時,對寵物民宿業者所提供的服務認知類型,希望對寵物民宿的經營能有所助益。本研究採取關係美學的角度,研究目的有二:一為發展寵物民宿關係美學的相關題項,二為了解寵物民宿使用者的認知類型。此外,因為本研究較屬於初探的性質,故採取Q方法來收集與分析資料。本研究共發展20個題項,寵物民宿使用者共13人進行歸類。結果歸納可歸成四種類型,並根據不同類型給予相關建議,期望提供寵物民宿經營相關方向。


寵物民宿 關係美學 美學 Q方法


Because of the interpersonal alienation and the low birth rate in our society, the trend of keeping pets has risen; pets have already become psychological comfort for human beings. The relationship between keepers and pets has transform from owner and animals to friends and family member, and thus creating kinds of business opportunities; the demand of pet b & b has also grown. Travelers stay overnight for accommodation not only to meet the needs of mankind but also to find the bed and breakfast that pets can stay with the owners. The appearance of pet b & b makes pets has no longer stayed in pet store or stayed at home. Pets can travel with family to create comfort and great memories. Relational Aesthetics can be derived from the field of artistic performance, mainly emphasizing the face-to-face interaction between the author or provider of artwork and the viewer or user. This study uses this concept and takes the users of pet b & b, the pets keepers and their pets, as the object to figure out the possible problems and to give suggestions when interacting with pet b &b owners, and when owners provide services. It is hope to help the b & b owners on operating the pet b & b. The purpose of this study are developing items related to Relational Aesthetics on pet b &b and understanding the cognitive types of Relational Aesthetics on pet b &b from the concept of Relational Aesthetics. Due to this is a newer subject; the Q method was adopted to collect and analyze data. The research has developed 20 items, and total of 13 participants were selected. According to the result, cognitive types of interviewers through applicants' perspectives were categorized into four types, and thus giving different suggestion based on the four types. The findings of this research could deliver concrete suggestions for management.


Pet B&B service aesthetics aesthetics Q methodology


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