  • 期刊


The Document Reviewing Function of the Reviewing Policy Adviser in South Song Dynasty (AD1127-1279)


南宋給事中的封駁權與時代環境、君主之賢與不肖、宰執之操控、給事中的膽識與操守四項因素息息相關。南宋政權長期處於兵荒馬亂的環境下,給事中的封駁權常不能正常行使。在綱紀不立、敷衍苟且的政風影響下,除君主與宰執用盡各種方法來迴避、化解給事中的封駁權外,給事中亦有不敢行使封駁權之情況。因此,如與北宋相較,南宋給事中的封駁權遭遇之困難更多。 南宋給事中的封駁權即使處於較不利的條件下,徵之實例,它仍有一片不算太小的行使空間。由於人事問題最引人矚目,所以給事中的封駁權特見之於人事問題上,在眾多人事案件中,不乏為君主接受之例。在台諫力量式微之南宋,給事中的封駁權就成為朝廷綱紀所繫,更是限制君主與宰執權力的最後一股力量。由於給事中封駁權一息尚存,所謂絕對君主專制在南宋終是不存在的。


給事中 封駁權 南宋 宰執 絕對君主專制


This essay is intended to carry out a study of the document reviewing function of the reviewing policy adviser in the South Song Dynasty. First, I analyze the degree to which the function was substantially executed by arguing that four kinds of factors are involved. These factors are: political arena, the morality and capacity of the emperor, the possible manipulation of the councilors, and the courage and integrity of the reviewing policy advisers. Second, I try to elaborate on these factors and find that combined together they all so weakened the function as a whole to the point that it was not effective as it was anticipated to be. Third, I proceed to cast doubt on the hasty assertion that the function was basically void in the South Song Dynasty by presenting many concrete examples that show the function, especially in terms of court personnel power, did not perish and was, even though reluctantly, in many cases accepted by the emperors. Finally, I conclude by arguing that no matter how feeble the censorial system of the South Song Dynasty as a whole, the document reviewing function of the reviewing policy advisers was still operated as a checking power to the emperors and councilors and as long as such power persisted and was wielded then the claim that the South Song Dynasty is an absolute monarchy is untenable.

