  • 期刊


Why Can't Gender-Based Hostility Be Eradicated from the Workplace? Analyzing Power Operations in Dealing with Sexual Harassment in Hospitals


工作場所性騷擾的發生並非隨機或偶然的,而既是反映性別歧視,也代表著權力關係的不平等。Wilson and Thompson(2001)針對組織內關於性騷擾事件的運作提出三個權力運作面向,包括加害者為有權力者、管理階層偏袒加害人、及受害者在敵意工作環境下自我退縮等。本文利用量化分析方法檢驗性騷擾事件的處理和結果是否可被這些面向解釋。資料來源是2014年在三家醫院蒐集的問卷普查資料,研究對象為女性護理人員。統計分析的結果顯示,有較多護理人員指認性騷擾的來源是病患,其次是醫師或主管,然後是病患親友。主管較基層護理人員更可能指認性騷擾的發生,尤其是來自病患和家屬的騷擾。公立醫院內的性騷擾事件循正式管道解決的機率顯著低於私立醫院。當加害人是醫師或主管時,性騷擾受害人離職的機率較高。綜合分析結果,組織內性騷擾的處理確實不能排除權力的運作,例如性騷擾事件被正式處理的機率低、而私下和解及受害人離職的機率則相對較高。文章的結論指出,法令規定和工作場所性騷擾的書面宣示不足以根除權力的運作和敵意的工作環境;組織必須採取積極處理的態度,避免高階層的權力干擾,才能讓職場免於性騷擾的威脅和發生。


Workplace sexual harassment doesn't happen accidentally or randomly. It represents sex discrimination and is the result of power inequality. Fiona Wilson and Paul Thompson (2001) discussed three dimensions of power operations in dealing with sexual harassment in organizations. Controlling for organizational and job characteristics, this paper adopted their perspective and examined how these three dimensions may explain subsequent developments and outcomes when sexual harassment happened, taking side with assaulters, especially those with higher status than victims, and the self-blaming and/or taking exit by victims. The data came from a questionnaire survey of female nurses at three hospitals in Taiwan in 2014. Results of statistical analyses showed that there are more nurses identifying sexual harassment made by patients than by doctors or supervisors, and by patients' families or friends. The supervisors of nurses were more likely to indicate sexual harassment incidents than nurses, showing the gender of supervisors to have effects on the power operations in the hospital. Public hospitals were more reluctant to formally deal with sexual harassment than privates. However, victims of the latter were more likely to quit their jobs than those in the public hospitals. If sexual harassment assaulters were doctors, the victims were more likely to quit their jobs later than if assaulters were patients or their families or friends. In sum, the findings show the operations of power when dealing with sexual harassment in hospitals. Power inequality resulted in the low probability of sexual harassment being formally handled, privately resolving the issue and victims taking exit became common practices. The paper concludes that the implementation of law and declaration of prohibiting sexual harassment on the billboard alone cannot eradicate sexual harassment in the workplace.


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