  • 期刊


The Comparative Political Economics Analysis of Taiwan and South Korea's Shipbuilding Industry (1970~2001): From the theory of Developmental State to Variety of Capitalism's Perspectives


臺灣與韓國在經濟發展過程中有著許多相似之處,因此在政治經濟學理論中常將臺韓劃歸為發展型國家的類型,這類型國家經濟發展特色即為國家和政府扮演著積極且重要的角色。然而,本文從臺韓發展型國家的背景出發,並進一步地回答一個在政治經濟學研究中尚未被系統性研究的問題,為什麼同樣是國家所欲極力扶植之大型造船業,臺韓兩國的產業發展經驗卻如此的不同。對此,本文在發展型國家的理論基礎上,應用了比較政治經濟學中資本主義多樣性的理論觀點,除了探討臺韓兩國政府在大型造船業發展所扮演的角色外,亦納入了臺韓另外兩個重要之政治經濟因素「產業結構」和「企業經營策略」進行討論。本文研究發現,雖然臺灣政府在1970年代將推展大型造船業納入十大建設與策略性產業推動計畫中,但政府產業政策介入成效不佳且未能有效地凝聚不同政府機關對於造船業發展的共同目標使得相關政策推行不具備誘因。另外,由於中船規模較小且長期以來之公營事業身分,限制了其於國際市場之拓展與競爭能力。相反地,韓國於朴正熙政府將大型造船業納入其重化工計畫後,透過1970年代以政府、銀行與財閥間所建立之韓國有限公司模式(Korea Inc.),有效地貫徹相關造船產業政策;另外,由財閥經營的大型造船產業,在國際市場競爭日益激烈的情況下,展現了其在經營規模和速度上的競爭優勢並據此逐漸地拉開了1990年代後臺韓之間的差距。


The aim of this paper is to understand why the political economy backgrounds of the shipbuilding industry in Taiwan and South Korea are similar; however, the industrial development trajectories are different? In the 1970s, authoritarian governments ruled both Taiwan and South Korea. In 1973, Taiwan's Chiang,Ching-Kuo administration announced the construction of a shipbuilding factory, while South Korea's Park,Chung-Hee administration included the shipbuilding industry in the Heavy and Chemical Industrialization Declaration. Thus, in the 1970s, the Taiwanese and South Korean governments both regarded shipbuilding as a critical, strategic industry to facilitate economic transformation. In the 1990s, though, after two decades of development, the gap between the industrial sectors in Taiwan and South Korea had grown bigger. Until the 2000s, the shipbuilding factory in Taiwan lost almost all of the company's capital, but the South Korean shipbuilding industry replaced Japan as the biggest in the world. How can we explain the different industrial development experiences in Taiwan and South Korea? To answer these research questions, this paper adopts developmental state and variety of capitalism's theories as a theoretical framework to analyze the relationships between the state, market, and other capitalism operation mechanisms during the process of industrial development between Taiwan and South Korea. This study finds that the Taiwan government's industrial policies did not work efficiently. Furthermore, the small scale of the shipbuilding industry in Taiwan created competitive disadvantages for the industry in the international market. In contrast, South Korea established a strong alliance among the government, banks, and chaebols to promote the development of the shipbuilding industry. This alliance (referred to as Korea Inc.) made the South Korean government’s industrial policies more efficient than Taiwan's. In addition, the scale of the shipbuilding industry in South Korea gave its factories competitive advantages, including intra-group mobilization, the capability to obtain international market orders, and so on. The differences of capitalism operation mechanisms between Taiwan and South Korea enabled South Korea's shipbuilding industry to develop more successfully than Taiwan's.


