  • 期刊


Female Diplomacy in The Book of Changes




《周易》 女性 外交 聘問 《儀禮》


Through analyzing two oracular statements in The Book of Changes, Nine the first in "Feng" and Six the second in "Xiao Guo", we could get some information. First, Nine the first in "Feng" indicates that the first lady, enjoyed the same ritual scale as the lord when receiving envoys. Second, Six the second in "Xiao Guo" indicates the change of envoy visiting. The first lady or the official could receive envoys on behalf of the lord when the lord could not receive envoys by himself. Third, the ritual that first ladies dabbled in diplomacy could be traced back to Shang Dynasty, which was inherited by Zhou Dynasty. The female diplomacy in The Book of Changes could be summarized as "First lady’s diplomacy", and this system took various situations into account, fitting in with the spirit of change in The Book of Changes, and reflecting the natural law that "Dao contains one Ying and one Yang".


胡自逢:《周易鄭氏學》,臺北:文史哲出版社,1990 年。
連劭名:〈西周甲骨刻辭與《周易》〉,《周易研究》1999 年第2 期,頁18-20。
高亨:《周易古經今注》,臺北:樂天出版社,1974 年。
朱歧祥:〈花東婦好傳〉,《東海中文學報》第19 期,2007 年7 月,頁1-12。
吳安安:〈《周易》中的婦女生活研究〉,《新生學報》第3 期,2008 年7 月,頁155-172。

