  • 期刊


The Gaze Reversal: Syaman Rapongan's Life Writing Restructured by Island Code


生命書寫(Life Writing),是原住民文學的主要呈現也是原住民研究的重要議題,其將個人生命經驗流轉的情感記憶,透過書寫自我想像自我,讓部落族群的文化歷史得到具體紀錄,企圖回應過去被他者不斷丈量研究的中心主流書寫。這種反身式的自我(self)書寫,有回應他者(other)想像之作用,此與文學批評與文化研究的凝視(gaze)概念並置,兩者間有相當契合的部分。透過這樣的書寫過程,原住民族主體除持續不斷進行著對話形塑、認同建構、與凝聚族群意識,更能將原住民族文化向主流社會滲透,重新獲得族群的詮釋權,是一個文化對話位置的生產。本文即以凝視翻轉的原住民生命書寫為主軸,探討夏曼‧藍波安近作長篇《大海浮夢》在此論題上的呈現,他以第一人稱的身份述說自我生命經驗情感的流轉,並細密地包覆過去作品中以族人、部落、族群為主角的生命敘述,更完整的呈現達悟族群的過往歷史與現今處境。他以島嶼符碼重構的生命書寫,將邊緣的他者(other)重塑為主體(subject),從作為「對象」的存在成為「主體」的言說,透過書寫部落族群生命敘述證明族群主體的存在,意欲創造一個族群文化再認識的機會。


Life writing is the main presentation of indigenous literature, which is an important issue in aboriginal studies. It presents individual life experiences, emotions, and memories. Through writing one's "self imagining self," it leaves a specific record for tribal culture and history, thereby responding to the mainstream writing work that has been judged and studied by "others". This kind of reflective self-writing serves as the function of responding to the imagination of "others". This matches the idea of gaze in literary criticism and cultural studies. Through the writing process, the aboriginal subjectivity has been utilized to shape dialogues, construct identification, and foster ethnic awareness. The aboriginal culture penetrates into the mainstream society and regains the right to interpret the ethnicity. It creates the dialogues in a cultural position. This article mainly focuses on the gaze reversal in the aboriginal life writing and discusses the issue in the recent work of Syaman Rapongan The Dreams on the Ocean. Syaman Rapongan uses the first-person position to narrate his own life experiences and emotions. He reveals the life narration of the main characters tribal people, the tribe, and the ethnic groups in his previous works in detail and presents the Tao history as well as the present condition more completely. With the life writing restructured by the island code, he reshapes the marginalized other as the subject. The existence of object becomes the discourse of the subject. He thus proves the existence of ethnic subjectivity through the tribal life writing and narration with the intention of creating a chance to know the ethnicity and culture.


夏曼‧藍波安:《八代灣的神話》,臺北:晨星出版社,1992 年。
夏曼‧藍波安:《冷海情深》,臺北:聯合文學,1997 年。
紀元文、李有成主編:《生命書寫》,臺北:中央研究院歐美研究所,2011 年。
夏曼‧藍波安:《黑色的翅膀》,臺北:晨星出版社,1999 年。
夏曼‧藍波安:《海浪的記憶》,臺北:聯合文學,2002 年。


