  • 期刊


Multi-Brands Growth Strategy, Core Value and the Learning from Customers in a Leisure Experience Industry: A Case Study of Lavender Cottage




In the past, there are few researchers to do the relevant researches of service firms' growth strategy. In recent years, we found that the leisure experience firms achieved the goal of growth through creating new brands. However, we still not understand why and how the firms use the strategy we named multi-brand growth strategy. Aim to understand the strategy, the single case study were used to explore the phenomena. The author collected data through interviews, filed observations and secondary data to analyze. After analyzing data, the author considered that the core value of a leisure experience firm would support the firm's growth. The core value as a foundation leads the firm enters into an initial market. In the market, the leisure experience firm would continue to interact with their customers to learn more about customers' preferences and to explore new business opportunities. To continue repeating the process, the multi-brand growth strategy was built. However, the firm's managerial capability would set a ceiling of the growth of a firm. Some managerial implications were provided at the end of this article.


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