  • 期刊


The Analysis of Questionnaire on Chinese-Spanish Translation Courses and Reflection on Cultural Issues


本研究為教育部於104 學年推展「多國語文與文化連結創新課程發展計畫」之子計畫:「翻轉中西翻譯課程:理解力與創造力的多元發展」之第一學期質性分析成果。翻譯課是最為靈活的學科,也是不易統籌及規範的課程。根據問卷分析結果,外語學習成效及文化內容多樣,是學生較難掌握的部分,亦是翻譯教材研發較困難之處。從該學期三校教師自行研發的教材之使用結果,可歸納出三點多數學生在文化能力方面可加強之處:專有名詞之寓意、政治體制對等空缺、宗教傳統文化差異。此計畫之特色為樣本總數夠大,執行時間為多年期,故累積之階段性成果對於翻譯課程內容改善、教材編纂可提供相當多的具體貢獻。


This study is the sub project of the "Multilingualism and Development Program", which has been promoted by the Ministry of Education, in 104 school year "Flip Chinese-Spanish Translation Course": Pluralism of Understanding and Creativity the results of the qualitative analysis in the first semester. The translation course is the most flexible of all the subjects, and it is not an easy course to co-ordinate and standardize. According to the Analysis of Questionnaire survey results, the effectiveness of foreign language learning and diversity of cultural contents are the more difficult part to grasp and to develop the Translation Textbooks from this semester, three school teachers have used their self-developed teaching materials, and concluded the results of the use which can be summed up three points to strengthen the capacity of the most students in cultural competence areas: Significance of proper nouns, the political system peer vacancy, and cultural differences of religious traditions. The features of this program not only have had enough total samples, but also have researched for many years. Therefore, the cumulative results is a considerable contribution to improve the contents of the translation courses and textbook edit。
