  • 期刊


The Evaluation of Mixture Profiles in Forensic DNA Analysis


隨著證物DNA型別鑑定靈敏度的提高,混合型別分析研判之課題愈來愈重要,本文介紹目前混合型別圖譜分析研判所使用之方法及其原理,並探討未來可能發展方向。其中,排除性方法容易誤判結果,目前較少為鑑定人員使用;二元模式(包含定性二元模式及半定量二元模式)雖未完全使用short tandem repeat(STR)結果資訊且可能有主觀判斷差異,但便於計算且較易理解,因此仍為大多鑑定實驗室所採用,半連續模式計算偏複雜且不易理解,在利用完全模式分析計算之相關軟體出現後,半連續模式較不為鑑定單位所喜愛;完全模式雖相當不易理解且計算更為複雜,但可利用到大部分所得結果資訊且可排除主觀上研判差異。未來DNA鑑定的混合型別分析應朝連續模式佐以電腦系統之方向進行,可提供更正確且客觀結果。另鑑定實驗室在引入連續模式系統前,應進行一系列相關之確認驗證,確保鑑定結果之正確性。此外,未來之混合型別分析模式可進一步結合DNA資料庫,俾自動化進行分析及比對。


DNA鑑定 STR 混合型別 連續模式


The evaluation of mixed DNA profiles is more and more challenging in forensic casework and different methods and models have been proposed for the interpretation mixture profiles. Among these methods, binary models (including qualitative binary model and semi-quantitative binary model) do not use all the information from the genotype profiles but easy to calculate and understand. Semi-continuous model is more complicated for mixture evaluation. Full continuous models take the most advantages from the genotype profiles and consider more factors for the analysis. It also reduces the subjective bias which could not be avoided in binary models and semi-continuous model. With the improvement of software, full continuous models could be the ideal method for evaluation of mixture DNA profiles and link with the comparison of DNA profiles in the database in the future.


Forensic DNA STR Mixture Profiles Continuous Model


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