  • 期刊


Phonological Comparison of Vietnamese and Taiwanese Sounds in Han Characters Loanwords


越南chham漢文化、漢語接觸ê時間真久長,所以ū真che漢字hông引用做越南語詞系統內底ê漢字借詞。台語si漢語系統ê分支,內底保留真che佮中古漢語音khah 接近ê語言層次。台語kap越南語lóng屬單音節ê孤立語,ma lóng受tioh漢語ê影響,ùi詞彙系統ê角度來看,lóng有紲接漢語借詞ê情況,u boe chió 字詞ê音義是非常接近甚至仝款ê。這个研究以越南語音kap台語音ê音節結構做基礎,統計越南語詞中間,漢字借詞內底ê越南語音kap台語音,而且ka in 分做聲母(initial)kap韻母(rhyme)兩ê部分來互相對應比較kap分析。本研究透過統計分析來比較漢字借詞內底台語kap越南語ê發音,歸納出其中的音韻規則,運用ti字詞發音相倚ê比較,e-tàng做為一个根據,幫贊台灣人ti學越南語ê時陣,加強學習越南語ê興趣kap效率。


台語 越南語 漢字借詞 漢越音


Vietnamese, due to strong Han cultural influences and long-term language contact with Han Language (Han Yu), has adopted a lot of Han vocabulary words. In addition, Taiwanese (Tai-gi) belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language system and has kept much of the pronunciations close to Proto-Han. Furthermore, Taiwanese and Vietnamese are isolating languages, influenced by Han, and inherited Han loanwords. A lot of words in Taiwanese and Vietnamese have similar pronunciations and meanings. This study is based on single morphemes of Taiwanese and Vietnamese, calculating the Han Character loanwords in each language, classifying them into two parts: the initial and the rhyme, then compare the differences in each part. The research results, gotten by statistics and analysis of Han Character loanwords, can generalize phonological rules between Taiwanese and Vietnamese. Those parallel and regular pronunciations provide new methods for language learning, from which Taiwanese people could learn Vietnamese with more effectiveness and interest.
