  • 期刊


On the Writing Strategies in Chên Kui-hói's Hakka Poetry Anthology, "Ngièn-hiông Ya-hap"


Ti本論文,gún對曾貴海teh 2000年出版ê客語詩集《原鄉.夜合》,採用chit kóa簡單ê語言學觀念方法kap文本分析法lâi對詩集進行寫作策略分析,識讀詩篇nih詩人走chhōe身分認同ê意圖。Gún發現詩人為tioh beh ho 本族kap非本族讀者e-tàng閱讀,採取:1. I ka-ki khah無把握 ê客語漢字書寫。I所構思ê詩句,ti語法方面大部分kap華語相通。語詞方面,i選用khah be變換koh chiap用e tioh ê客語語詞。當然數量無thang足che。2. I選用ê題材大部分lóng是óa靠i少年時對原鄉ê記tî,當代ê khah少。利用鄉人nih象徵性ê小人物kap事件ka i原鄉ê形貌tàu出來,冷靜iu-koh深情。3. 書寫風格接近記事式直接描述。當然,i也有採用明顯ê象徵kap客家意象,曾貴海所寫ê夜合m-na是客家女性ê形象kap象徵,lán認為也是普遍台灣本土女性ê形象,而且詩人本身是故鄉ê異鄉人卻是thang對比ê台灣男性普遍ê形象。客家女性、平埔外媽,台灣母親chiâ^n做i三合一ê母系血緣kap土地ê認同。詩人原鄉意識ê追求,結果身分kap認同卻是遷徙,深深釘根ti台灣土地。


母語詩 寫作策略 身分認同 客語 原鄉


The aim of this paper is to study the writing strategies of Chên Kui-hói in his Hakka Poetry Anthology, "Ngiàn-hiông Ya-hap" , by using linguistic and textual analysis, in order to probe Chên's intention in exploring his cultural identity through his poems. To facilitate the reading in the Hakka language both for the Hakka people and non-Hakka readers, Chên Kui-hói used several writing strategies as follows: 1. Using Chinese characters with which he's not familiar, to write in Hakka. This makes most of the sentence structures of his poems resemble Mandarin Chinese grammatically. The Hakka words he used in these poems are relatively common and fixed, which are consequently limited and scanty. 2. Choosing topics mostly concerning the images of his hometown from his memories of his adolescence, while ignoring present-day subjects. He depicted, imperturbably but affectionately and deeply, his native land by assembling the symbolic figures of the common people and events. 3. Mainly writing in a plain descriptive style. Although conspicuous symbolism and Hakka images are not absent in his works. "Ya-hap" (the Hakka name of Coco Magnolia) not only symbolizes Hakka women, but also of the general Taiwanese women. The poet, himself, is a stranger in his own native land, which could be understood as a common characteristic of Taiwanese men in general. He's perceived his three-in-one maternal identity, consisting of Hakka women, Pî^n-po-chõk maternal grandmothers and Taiwanese mothers. The poet who originally sought the consciousness of the native land ended up relocating and rooting his identity and identification profoundly in the whole land of Taiwan.


vernacular poem writing strategies identity Hakka home land


Morrison, Robert, D. D. 1828. A Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect [廣東省土話字彚]. Macao: The Honorable East India Company's Press.
施俊州2014〈真失禮美學觀—讀賴仁聲ê 5篇序文〉,《台灣教會公報》3243期。台灣教會公報新聞網,<http://tcnn.org.tw/archives/12742>。
Mantaro J.Hashimoto,Hashimoto(1973).The Hakka Dialect: A Linguistic Study of Its Phonology, Syntax and Lexicon.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
