  • 期刊


Using Taiwanese Romanization to Root the Mother Tongues of Taiwan and to Internationalize: Looking at the Case of Taiwanese Romanization Association


使用母語是一種基本人權,台灣人ê母語權四百年來,定定ho外來政權 剝奪,致使台灣人不斷teh爭取母語權。近30年來,母語ê復振chiâ^n做文化界有心人士奮鬥ê目標kap使命。語言是文化ê載體,保留語言主要ài靠文字,任何一種語言若kan-ta^n靠口傳,欠缺文字ê輔助,流失ê機會加真懸。台灣有絕對多數人leh講ê台語受盡誤解,講台語濟濟音bô(漢)字。M知chiah-ê有音bô字ê話,源頭並m是漢字。Chiah-ê台語若硬beh用漢字寫,當然不足,會cháucheng。台灣本底就有原住民ti chia生活幾若千年,四百外冬前koh有ùi台灣海峽西pêng來ê漳、泉、客移民,前後受過荷蘭、西班牙、大清帝國kap日本ê殖民統治,這款濟濟種ê文化洗禮,多種語言ê thàu-lam,ho今á日ê台灣人民bô 論ti日常生活,á是去參與政府機關ê 官方活動,若完全beh用漢字表達台語語音kap文字早就不足,勉強借用ma bô一定合意。「台灣羅馬字協會」(簡稱台羅會)自2001年成立以來,目的就是beh推行台灣羅馬字ê研究kap普遍化,要求政府實施公平正義ê多語文政策。台羅會使用ê羅馬字是白話字(Peh-oeji),本篇論文就用白話字lam漢字書寫,重點teh研究台羅會十幾年來積極推動羅馬字ê具體成果。透過各種活動,koh向各級政府、民意機關遊說,kap參與社會運動,ng望叫醒台灣人民ê自主意識,靠台文現代化來展現文化自覺。


This dissertation deals with the founding of the Taiwanese Romanization Association, also known as Tâi-oân Lô-má-ji Hiãp-hoe (TLH), in 2001 and its various activities since then, with the full support of its members and a vigorous leadership, the concrete evidence of its efforts to bring about the revitalization of the Taiwanese native languages. In the last 20-plus years, it has striven for the standardization of a modern written Taiwanese form, encompassing the advantages of using Roman characters in dealing with non-Han cultures worldwide. Language as a vehicle of intangible cultural heritage is a common sense fact that TLH is wholly aware of. The rationale behind this vehement promotion of Roman characters is the reminder of the fact that our modern language consists of many different dimensions. Aside from the dominant Taiwanese and Hakka, there are more than 15 indigenous tribes with no written history at all, not to mention the colonial influences by the Dutch, the Spanish, Imperial China, the Japanese and most recently the Chinese Nationalist. The daily use of language in Taiwan, if rendered entirely in the so-called National Language -- Guoyu, or Pakkia^noe, would not suffice all the needs of Taiwanese. Besides causing misunderstanding due to Taiwanese words not able to be precisely expressed in Guoyu, there are also the problems of inappropriate use, and distortions. Roman characters are mandatory for the cause of the Preservation, Revitalization and Development of the Taiwanese Mother Languages, which is the ultimate goal of TLH.


蔣為文2015〈十二年國教課綱 侵害母語人權〉,台灣時報電子報,〈還台南市民313「湯德章紀念日」〉,台羅會網站(2017/03/27)。
「台灣說唱數位典藏」網站< http://taiwanopera.moc.gov.tw/>(2017/03/27)。
