  • 期刊


Long-Term Evolution of Morphology due to Reservoir Sediment Releasing in the Downstream River




In recent years, the reservoir sedimentation problems were seriously happened in Taiwan due to extreme weather. In order to decrease sediment deposition in the reservoir, the sediment was released into downstream river during flood period using bypass tunnel. Sediment deposition and erosion would affect bed variation significantly in the downstream river reach. The quasi-two dimensional model, NETSTARS, was applied to investigate hydraulic characteristics and corresponding river sedimentation behavior in the Dahan river basin. The model was calibrated and verified with field survey data. The results showed that the cumulative amount of sediment in the long-term case was more than the general typhoon flood event. Sediment deposition situation was also more serious, therefore, the water elevation was rise up at peak discharge; it was threaten to flood-prevention work. The variation of bed elevation after 10, 20, 30 years, will reach nearly equilibrium 30 years later. Through field survey and numerical analysis results, we can develop coping strategies in order to achieve sustainable river management purposes. The study results about the function of sediment-prevent bypass tunnel could be offered in feature.
