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Unusual extra-articular gouty tophi mimicking Pellegrini-Stieda disease: A rare case report


Gouty arthritis is a form of inflammatory arthritis, most prevalent among middle-aged to elderly men and postmenopausal women as well. The radiograph of extra-articular gouty tophi presented with calcification at medial collateral ligament (MCL) of knee is uncommon. We describe a case of the 68-year-old woman with intermittent left knee pain for one year who had extra-articular calcification. After the failure of conservative treatment, she received excision under the impression of Pellegrini-Stieda disease according to the calcification location and size near the MCL of left knee. However, the postoperative pathological examination showed tophaceous gout, which was not compatible with our preoperative diagnosis. Back to preoperative survey, ultrasonography or dual-energy computed tomography may help us to make correct diagnosis. Thus, the patient may need not excision, but medical treatment. In addition, we also discuss the differential diagnosis of extra-articular calcification in this article.
