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Heritage and Sustainability in Recultivating Local Resources for Balinese Performing Arts



In this paper on heritage and cultivating local arts resources, village-based performing arts troupes called sekaa sebunan desa are discussed on the Indonesian island of Bali. In 2014, a group called Saptana Jagaraga from the village of Singapadu in Bali, Indonesia revived the village-based troupe to represent their district in a local arts festival. Unlike the private troupes who outsourced musicians and dancers from throughout the island, Saptana Jagaraga intentionally drew from their immediate village for arts resources. What is significant to the heritage discussion is that the formation of this village-based group was in response to member's discontentment with privately run sanggar. For many, privatization, commercialization and tourism pressures strained social bonds at the village level. What were the aesthetic, logistical and economic reasons for rejecting privately run sanggar in favor of village-based heritage management? Are village-based troupes sustainable in Bali's increasingly commercialized and privatized market-driven arts economy? Addressing these questions, I examine discourses surrounding heritage revivals and sustainability to consider the implications for recultivating local forms against the backdrop of global cultural flows. I am particularly interested in how Saptana Jagaraga's heritage revival is less concerned with preservation and maintenance and more geared towards creating and innovating through strengthening shared social bonds.


本文探討遺產與當地藝術資源培育,研究對象為印尼峇里島上以村莊為基礎的表演藝術團體sekaa sebunan desa。2014年,印尼峇里島Singapadu村莊的組織Saptana Jagaraga,復興了這個以此村莊為基地的表演團體,並且代表其地區參與當地藝術節。不同於私人表演團體從整個島內找尋音樂家與舞者的外包模式,Saptana Jagaraga有意地直接從村莊中取得藝術資源。在探討遺產層面重要的是,這個以村莊為基礎形成的團體,是對私人經營工作室sanggar有所不滿的回應。對於許多人來說,私有化、商業化和旅遊業造成了村莊社會連結的壓力。是什麼美學、後勤和經濟上的原因,使人們拒絕私營工作室而傾向支持以村莊為基礎的遺產管理?在峇里島日益商業化、私有化和以市場為導向的藝術經濟發展之下,以村莊為基礎的表演團體是否可持續發展?針對這些問題,我對遺產復興和永續性的相關論述進行探討,藉此思考在全球文化潮流的背景下,當地形式再培育的意義。其中,我對於Saptana Jagaraga遺產復興如何傾向較少關注保存和維護面向,而更加注重透過創造和創新來加強共享社會連結的現象特別感興趣。
