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Archaeology and the Invisible "Future Man": On the Scroll Image Record through Time and Space


在文字尚未發明之前如何去記載已發生的事件,「圖像」成為一種語意的傳達方式。我們可以藉由如法國拉斯科(Grotte de Lascaux)的洞窟壁畫,去了解人類生活的面貌和狩獵過程。而在文字發明之後,影像技術尚未到來的過去;歷史、考古學皆只能以圖文或口述紀載,並透過竹卷、紙本等有限度的傳遞,去記載當下時空所發生的人、事、時、地、物。早期的文化遺留是極為少數的一群擁有政治權力和資本結構的人,所獨佔的知識霸權和挑選何謂可傳遞的訊息書寫和意象符號。但今日影像製造,從一開始少數人能擁有的錄影機,進化到大多數人皆能以手機去製造影像的時刻。而我們應該如何讓科技技術能隨著時代的進展下,去協助影像訊息不是一種耗費過載在雲端的容量,能為一種有意識的生產去加載/刪減在文化傳承的脈絡中,更進一步地將美學思維賦予在這些影像實踐的推演上。


Before a writing system was invented to record events, images had been used as a type of semantic communication. By examining Lascaux cave paintings in France, we may be able to understand the life and hunting techniques of prehistoric humans. After the invention of writing and before the arrival of imaging technology, historians and archaeologists could only rely on images, texts and oral traditions to create records. Media, such as bamboo rolls and paper books, offered a limited scope for the transmission of information and documenting people, events, times, places and things of the moment. In earlier periods, the preservation of culture and artifacts was a privilege that belonged only to a very limited group of people with political power and structural wealth who dominated the rights to knowledge and selected so-called transmittable written messages and symbolic imagery. Modern day imaging technology, however, has developed from the previous condition of a few video recorders being owned by a select few to a time now when most people may record and create images using mobile phones. As the times progress, how should we facilitate the process by which technology serves as a thread of consciousness in the addition/subtraction of cultural heritage instead of as part of some time-consuming and overloaded volume in cloud storage? In addition, how do we further aesthetic thinking in efforts to deduce the formation of images?
