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Media as Cultural Technology: Friedrich Kittler and his Media Theory


弗里德里希.基德勒(Friedrich Kittler)的媒介理論開啟了德國自1980年代以來的後詮釋學、反人本主義思維:一個以媒介技術的本體運作為探問依歸的文化分析。本文擬作為基德勒的媒介思想初探式整理,討論區分為兩個部分:其一是將基德勒置於德國自19世紀末期以來發展的技術哲學脈絡裡,並爬梳技術哲學如何對日後、起因自視聽裝置多元發展的文化技術研究產生影響;其二則是引介弗里德里希.基德勒(Friedrich Kittler)的媒介理論,由基德勒思想中關於媒介本體論的討論,探究其對當前傳播理論建構的啟示。本文並以基德勒的代表性作品在不同階段的發展作為討論重點,分別探討:一、論述網絡與社會配置;二、技術媒介對時間軸的操縱;三、字母作為符碼的多重銘刻性。


Friedrich Kittler's media theory led the way in the post-hermeneutic, antihumanistic current of thought in Germany since the 1980s: a cultural critique based upon inquiry into the ontic operation of media technology. The article is intended as an explorative review of Kittler's works on media theory. The discussion is divided into two parts. The first part situates Kittler in the lineage of Germanistic philosophy of technology since the late nineteenth century, and presents a synopsis of how it came to bear upon the study of cultural technology following the diversification of audio-visual devices in the 1970s. The second part then focuses on Friedrich Kittler's media theory, explicating how Kittler's materialistic take on media and culture informs contemporary theorizing about media communication. Kittler's media theory is further elaborated in terms of three dimensions: first, discursive network and the arrangement of the social; second, the manipulation of the time axis by technical media; and, third, alphabet as the code of multiple inscription.


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