  • 期刊


Incorporating Siluo Local Culture Into Design Aesthetic Pedagogy


目前許多設計系學生熱衷於外國流行文化,卻忽略自身的文化。因此,本研究欲透過設計教育去推動文化議題,引導學生反思、理解、認同地方文化。研究目的是: 一、透過參訪地方文化,引領學生理解地方文化。二、透過文獻理論及實地社區探訪資料之整合,建構「整合地方文化於設計美學之模式」。三、應用上述模式於設計美學教育,探討融入地方文化於設計美學創作過程之經驗、驗證其可行性。本研究採質性研究法,探討「整合地方文化於設計美學創作」教學的實施,據教學實施、創作過程文件的回應分析、學生的創作案例分析、與半結構訪談分析,提出設計教學的省思與建議。其結果能增進設計學習者之設計涵養,並能對當下及未來文化創意設計產業有所貢獻。


Many Taiwanese students enthusiastically accept the consumption cultures of Korea, Japan and United States, but neglect the value of their own culture. Thus, as a design educator, it is necessary to guide the students reflecting on and identifying with their own culture. This study adopted qualitative methods and collected data and analyzed data from interviews, observation on the creation process and related documents in the implementation of incorporating Siluo community art project in design pedagogical practice. The purposes of this research were to explore whether the students'participation in Siluo community art project can identify and value with their own culture; to explore if students participation in Siluo community art project can enhance their design thinking and representation, to explore the advantages and challenges of applying Siluo community art project in design pedagogical practice; and to reflect on the application of local community art project in design pedagogy. The influence of engaging local community art project on students' creation process and quality, and the overall effectiveness of applying aboriginal community art project on students' creation and teaching reflection, were discussed. Finally, in conclusion, this study proposes the implication of students' participation in Siluo community art project to design education. The results of this research can contribute to design learners, designers and cultural industry.


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