

This paper presents a summary of the present situation of the young generation in Europe and youth work models including our professional experience in the last 25 years. In recent days countries in Europe have had to face several problems among their citizens such as social pressures, educational difficulties, and health problems. All governments have several public institutions to solve such problems; behind them there exist strong youth work. Their main goals are to mobilize young people to be active in socio-economic development. Most of the countries decided to open youth offices in a close cooperation with ministries. Such ministries supervise the governmental institutions (education, health care) and the financial support for youth development. Besides this difference, NGOs offer youth work from which the authors introduce various models. The authors conclude with comments regarding United Games International project. The former research results and experiences have suggested that successful youth work needs to have a platform for projects to solve the problems of young people built on their expectations. Youth work in Europe is widely supported by the European Union, which provides target orientations, support and guidelines for short-, mid- and long term projects.


Europe youth work program analysis


黃筱蘋(2013)。美國《清潔空氣法》管制溫室氣體模式 之評析與借鏡〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2211201316574564
