  • 期刊


A Study on the Principle of Karma-vipāka in Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda




施設論 婆沙論 業報


It is said that Sarvastivada consists of a major metaphysical book and six minor ones. Of these religious classics, Great Master Hsuan Chuang of the Tang Dynasty had translated six monographs, including Abhidharmajñāna- prasthāna-śāstra and Abhidharma-dharmaskandha pāda śāstra, with Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda the only exception remains to be translated. In the Song Dynasty, Dānapāla led a group of talented monks translating a part of Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda, a.k.a. "Kārana-prajñapti." Tibetan Buddhism has also owned a version of Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda, but it seems like an abridged version after a careful examination of its Chinese translation and some citations from Abhidharma-mahā-vibhāṣā-śāstra. Hence, it would be a daunting challenge to explore the thoughts presented by Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda, and can be regrettably impossible no matter how much effort was made. Fortunately, a large bulk of information regarding Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda could be found in the Chinese translation of Abhidharma-mahā-vibhāṣā-śāstra, which serves as very important clues to revealing the content of Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda. Thereupon, the author drew inspiration from the research findings of Dharma Master Yin Shun, and then collected every account of Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda mentioned in Abhidharma-mahā-vibhāṣā-śāstra. Lastly it was categorized into five types of literature: karma and karma-vipāka, Dhyāna-samādhi and Abhijñā, and how Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda interpreted the world (loka). This paper deals mainly with "karma and karma-vipāka." This paper can be divided up into two parts: the first part presents the original of Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda, whilst the second part is devoted to an introduction to the characteristics of its theoretical thinking and a comparison of Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda and Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣā- śāstra. This helps to present Abhidharma prajñāpti-pāda in a more complete way while exploring how free thoughts proffered by Vaibhāṣika have diverged into various Buddhism doctrines.
