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Research on the Successful Factors of Using Board Game in Guided Teaching


近年來,由於國民素質的提升,現代人愈來愈重視休閒活動,在忙碌工作之餘利用休閒活動放鬆一下。因應即將上映的「十二年國教」,各界在恐慌之餘,許多教學者開始省思,針對自己的教學進行大改革。本研究藉由桌遊在遊戲中習得學習解決問題的能力,以學習者為中心,透過遊戲習得應有的知識。本研究利用文獻整理的方式初擬因素,利用修正式德菲法(Modified Delphin Method,MDM)確認層級分析架構以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)計算出成功因素相對權重,研究結果可知專家最重視「教學應用」且認同「生活語言」是應用桌遊於引導式教學成功最關鍵因素,其次為「時間因素」、「重點學習」、「參與動機」和「溝通互動」。由此可知,應用桌遊於引導式教學中會較重視學生在遊戲中應用認知領域的生活語言能力、時間掌握及提升溝通能力,並增進學生學習動機,減少焦慮,獲得解決問題的能力。


In recent years, due to the improvement in the quality of the people, modern people are paying more and more attention to leisure activities and relaxing in leisure activities. In response to the soon-to-be-released "Master Framework for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines," the public is panicking. Many educators begin to think about it and carry out major reforms for their teaching. Using table games to learn the ability to solve problems in the game, learner-centered, and learn the proper knowledge through games for this study. In this study, the initial factors were used in the literature review, and the modified Delphin Method (MDM) was used to determine that the hierarchical analysis framework used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to calculate the relative weight of success factors. The most emphasis on "teaching applications" and the recognition of "living languages" are the most critical factors in the success of the application of tabletop games in guided learning, followed by "time factor", "key learning", "participation motivation", and "communicative interaction." It can be seen that the application of board games in the guided teaching will pay more attention to the students' ability to use the language skills, time, and communication skills in the cognitive field in the game, and to increase students' learning motivation, reduce anxiety, and gain the ability to solve problems.


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