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Probing whether news reports would help proposal writing and learning achievement - Innovative teaching in a proposal lesson


節慶文化觀光一直是政府重視與主推的重點項目,一份優質的觀光活動企劃與行銷,形同邁向成功的第一步。然而企劃案寫作是一門需要花費腦力與創造力的課業,凡遇到這類課程,學生反應往往退卻,克服初學者入門的關卡是進入企劃案創作相當重要的一環。鑑於此,作者對於學生的學習意願,希望尋求更有效率,又能引導學習的教學方式。行動研究法是以實務問題為導向,強調工作者的實際場域的需求與立場出發。本研究利用學期課程「企劃案寫作與簡報技巧」進行行動方案研究,企圖從新聞結構與企劃案結構關係,教育學生使用逆向思考方式探索脈絡,尋找出企劃書原生結構,以不同方式學習觀察,以達成本課程之成效。本研究以節慶活動新聞報導作為企劃案撰寫教學的素材,分別以三階段步驟「6W3H1E搜查」、「挑選新聞稿」,最後「還原」觀察學生的學習成效。研究對象為研究者任教之「企劃案撰寫與簡報技巧」14位學生,使用行動研究法以日記觀察學習狀態,並於課程結束前以實際新聞報導案例設計企劃書撰寫的6W3H1E的測驗題型,對照觀察學生學習成效,作為未來企劃案課程教學修正之依據。綜合研究調查結果得知,學生參與第一步驟「新聞報導挑選」時,應選擇活動後的新聞報導較可得完整的企劃案結構答案。第二步驟中,「6W3H1E搜查」錯誤機率最高的是How(how to do)活動如何做與Evaluation效益,其次學生回答有關對象(who與whom)與時間相關元素(when與how long)也易搞混。整體而言,學生表示最難學習的步驟依順序為「6W3H1E搜查」、「挑選新聞稿」,最後「還原」。此次行動研究歷程中,主要的發現有:一、新聞報導的素材可提供企劃案撰寫的初學者認識企劃案結構與寫作技巧。二、使用此法時,新聞報導的篩選是決定此三個步驟的成敗關鍵。三、教學活動的流程應強化How(活動如何做)與Evaluation(效益)練習。四、此教學方式有助於引導學生入門與創意發想。五、方案執行後的研究者省思。本研究亦根據研究結果,提供給企劃案教學的實務工作者及未來相關研究上的建議。


Festival/cultural tourism has always been an important item that the government focuses on and promotes. The planning and marketing of a high-quality tourism activity is the first step towards success. However, writing a business plan is time and labor consuming work that also requires creativity. When faced with this type of work, students often fall back and withdraw. One very important step for getting into business planning creation for new academics is for them to overcome this obstacle. In view of this, the author hopes to search for a more efficient teaching method for guiding student learning and increasing the students' willingness to learn. Action research is practical matter-oriented and based on the worker's actual needs in the field. This study uses the semester course "Business Writing and Report Techniques" to conduct the action research. We taught students to use reverse thinking to explore the context based on the relationship between the news structure and the business plan structure. The objective is to find the original structure of the business plan. Different methods are used to learn and observe and to achieve desired effect of this course. This study utilizes the reverse thinking model by basing the compilation of education materials on news reports of festival activities. The news reports are used to conduct the 3 steps of "6W3H1E search", "select news reports", and finally "restore" to observe the learning performance of students. The test subjects are 14 students selected are the researcher's students in "Proposal writing and presentation skills"; action research is utilized to by using journal observation of learning conditions and using 6W3H1E test questions based on projects designed using actual news reports before the course is concluded to observe the learning performance of students and also will become a model for teaching in proposal writing. In summarization of the study's results, when students participate in the first step "selecting media reports", news reports after the activity should be selected for more comprehensive project structure answers. In step 2, "6W3H1E search", the question with the highest error rate was How (how to do) activities can be held for evaluation benefit; next, students were also easily confused in their answers of the subject (who and whom) and time related elements (when and how long). Overall, students expressed the most difficult learning steps in the order of "6W3H1E search", "select news reports", and finally "restore". Student response to this learning method returned the 2 most effective results as "understanding writing structure" and "writing skills and abilities". The main findings in this action research include the following: 1. News report raw materials can provide beginners learning how to write business plans with a way of learning business plan structure and writing techniques. 2. When using this method, the selection of the news report is the key to determining the success or failure of these three steps. 3. The teaching activity flow should improve the How (how to do the activity) and Evaluation (benefits) practice. 4. This teaching method can help guide students toward entry and creative thinking. 5. The researcher's reflection after the proposal has been implemented. We provided recommendations to practical business planning teachers and for related future studies based on the results of this study.


6W3H1E Proposal Writing News Reports Action Research


