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A Study on Community Industry Recovery Factors after Large-Scale Disaster-Using Xinkai Tribal Settlement at Xinfa Village, Liouguei District, Kaohsiung City after Typhoon Morakot as an Example


本文主要是探討社區產業的復原重建因子,並以高雄市六龜區的新開部落作為研究地區。經由先期訪談的結果發現,雖然新開部落災前主要的社區產業包括了農業與溫泉觀光業兩項,但由於莫拉克災後農業大幅衰退,已無法成為經濟上的基礎產業(basic industry),因此本研究的探討將集中於社區觀光產業的議題上。研究首先透過文獻回顧與現況調查初步擬訂各項因子,再將因子轉為決策實驗室分析(DEMATEL)問卷的項目,藉由對公所承辦人員、社區團體、業者等的問卷施測與訪談結果,將其作一分析與彙整,以找出復原重建中各因子的關聯性以及影響性,作為日後社區產業復原重建的案例以及提供成為復原重建過程的參考。


Factors of community industry recovery after Typhoon Morakot of Xinkai Tribal Settlement at Xinfa Village, Liouguei District, Kaohsiung City are discussed in this paper. Agriculture and tourism used to be Xinkai's major community industries, however, agriculture is no longer a basic industry after the recession caused by Morakot's impact. This study first listed the factors by literature review and field survey, then translated the factors becoming items of DEMATEL questionnaire. The stakeholders were interviewed and invited to fill the questionnaire, and the answers were analyzed by DEMATEL technique to investigate connections and influences of the factors. The results can be provided as an example of community industry recovery research and a reference of disaster recovery.


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