  • 期刊

虛無黨小說的跨境旅行-關於"Strange Tales of a Nihilist"英、日、中三個版本的考察

The Cross-border Travel of Nihilist Novel: An Observation of Strange Tales of a Nihilist in English, Japanese and Chinese Versions



虛無黨小說在晚清經由翻譯輸入中國,內容經常描寫虛無黨成員與專制政府對抗,盛極一時。陳冷血(陳景韓,1878-1965)、周瘦鵑(周祖福,1895-1968)等作家都曾從事翻譯或創作虛無黨小說。中國當時所見的虛無黨翻譯小說,多出版於英國,通過日本翻譯,被譯介到中國。換言之,虛無黨小說實際上通過了兩種語言的翻譯,才成為當時中國人所能見到的文本。本文以英國葛威廉所作的虛無黨小說Strange Tales of a Nihilist為考察對象,探討原文與日文(松居松葉翻譯)、中文(陳冷血翻譯)之間的細節與變化。本文分為四個部分,一、介紹「虛無黨」與「虛無黨小說」在中國的出現與流行;二、以文獻史料為基礎,考察Strange Tales of a Nihilist 的出版、刊行狀況,並簡述譯者所依據的版本內容;三、就Strange Tales of a Nihilist 的內容以及英、日、中文三種翻譯進行比較;四、探討當Strange Tales of a Nihilist在不同語境之下如何適應社會的讀者,以及翻譯所呈現出的「在地化干預」。


Nihilist novels were very popular in the late Qing dynasty. The novels usually write about the nihilists fighting against authoritarian government and have gained a lot of readers in China. Famous translator like Chen Lengxei 陳冷血 (Chen Jinghan, 1878-1965) and Chou Shoujuan 周瘦鵑 (Chou Zufu,1895-1968) have been engaged in translating or creating the nihilist novels. Most of novels were written in English, and finally translated into Chinese after being translated into Japanese. In other words, nihilist novels have been traveled more than three different languages and cultures. Therefore, this study focuses on a well-known novel Strange Tales of a Nihilist, which was written by British writer William Le Queux, and examines the different details between the English version, Japanese translation (by Matsui Syouyo) and Chinese translation (by Chen Lengxie). This article consists of four parts. First, it introduces the "Nihilist"虛無黨 and the spreading of nihilist novels in China. Second, it then investigates the publishing and translation status of Strange Tales of a Nihilist. Third, this paper compares the differences between the versions of Strange Tales of a Nihilist in three languages. Finally, it observes how the translators use their familiar language to transform Strange Tales of a Nihilist to address to local readers and present the local intervention in the translation texts.


〈外國故事演義:虛無黨〉, 《紹興白話報》第72號,1900年X月,頁4-6。
XXXX:〈ロシアの影響?大阪に虚無党誕生、暴力主義者の加入增えそ う〉,《読売新聞》朝刊第1版,1882 年6月13 日。
XXX:〈XXX〉, : (хXх) 《グローブ新聞》XX 版,1892年6月24日。
上海圖書館編:《中國近代期刊篇目匯錄(第二卷)》,上海:上海人民出版社, 。 1982年
大原社会問題研究所編:《日本社会主義文献第1輯(世界大〔大正三年) に至る) 》,東京:日本図書セン ター,1997年,復刻版。
