  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


International Classification in Disability Sports: Science or Not?




The purpose of this review is to clarify main concepts in disability sports and classification in order to identify the evidence-based practice in classification. Based on the needs of basic medical evaluations, sport-specific skills, and experience of senior classifiers, most classification systems for athletes with physical impairments in different disability sports were developed and used. However, only a few classification systems have been proved their effectiveness through scientific examinations. Three common kinds of research approaches have been identified to analyze the fairness of classification systems and classification outcomes. First, the sport science approach (e.g., physiological and biomechanical analysis) has been used to compare the characteristics among athletes with certain types of physical impairments in different classes. Second, the performance approach has been used to analyze the performance results in different classes. Third, the impairment analysis has been used to examine the total performance of athletes. All of approaches assumed that the higher the classes, the better the abilities (i.e., physical abilities, movements and skills, and sporting performances) and no certain types of impairments in athletes should dominate the winning pattern, Currently, most disability sports have adapted the functional classification systems hut several sports have been challenged because of not enough scientific evidence to support the functional approach in classification. Therefore, it is a debate whether functional classification is science or art for almost twenty years. In the future direction, more scientific evidence is urgently needed to improve the classification practices in most disability sports. IPC and sport federations should make more efforts to maintain the fairness of classification.
