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Fluid Balance during a Training Session in Well-Trained Swimmers


運動時水份不足,會影響能量代謝與體溫調節,進而降低運動表現。運動期間水份平衡與流汗率的相關研究,大多數探討陸上運動,而游泳選手訓練處於水的環境中,和陸上運動可能有差異,本研究目的為探討優秀男女游泳選手在不同水溫環境下,單一次訓練期間流汗率及體液與電解質平衡。本研究以19名長期接受游泳訓練者為受試者,分別於高水溫(30°C)與低水溫(22°C)環境進行測試,高水溫受試者共14名(10名男性,4名女性),低水溫受試者共5名(2名男性,3名女性)。記錄訓練期間的飲水量,並在訓練前後,收集受試者體重、尿液與靜脈血液樣本。在高水溫環境下流汗率為0.57±0.45 L/hr,喝水量為0.55±0.32 L/hr,體重變化率為-0.29±1.00%;有低水溫環境下流汗率為0.14±0.30 L/hr;喝水量為0.11±0.03 L/hr,體重變化率為-0.09±1.02%,全部受試者合併分析時,喝水量與流汗率呈現顯著正相關。受試者訓練前、中、後血液電解質、葡萄糖、乳酸濃度,及尿液滲透壓和比重均無顯著差異。本研究結果顯示,游泳訓練的流汗率可能低於在相近環境溫度下進行的陸上運動;流汗率較高的游泳選手,在訓練中攝取較多的水分,但仍有5名受試者在訓練後體重流失大於1%。另,在流汗率與喝水量,有顯著的個人差異。因此,游泳選手在訓練時,應根據本身的流汗率,補充適量水份。


Dehydration has detrimental effect on energy metabolism and temperature regulation, leading to impaired exercise performance. Most studies that investigated fluid balance and sweat rate focus on sports on land. Swimmers are trained in water environment, which is very different from the situations in land. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fluid and electrolyte balance in well-trained male and female swimmers after a single training session in different water temperature. This study included 19 well-trained swimmers in high (30°C) and low (22°C) water temperature. The high water temperature trial included 14 subjects, 10 males and 4 females. The low water temperature trial included 5 subjects, 2 males and 3 females. Urine and venous blood samples were collected before, during, and after the training sessions. Body weight was measured before and after the training. The amount of water consumed during the training was recorded. In high water temperature trial, the sweat rate was 0.57±0.45 L/hr, water consumption rate was 0.55±0.32 L/hr, and body weight change rate was -0.29±1.00%. In low water temperature trial, the sweat rate was 0.14±0.30 L/hr, water consumption rate was 0.11±0.03 L/hr, and body weight change rate was -0.09±1.02%. In all subjects combined, water consumption and sweat rate were significantly positively correlated. Plasma concentrations of electrolytes, glucose, lactate, and urine osmolarity and density were similar before, during and after the training session. This study suggested that sweat rate in swimming may be lower than that in land exercise under similar environmental temperature. In addition, the swimmers with higher sweat rates may have stronger feeling of thirst, therefore consumed more water during training. However, there were still 5 subjects who lost more than 1% body weight after the training session. This study also showed significant interpersonal variations in sweat rate and water consumption. In conclusion, well-trained swimmers should be aware of their swe at rate and consume appropriate amount of water during training.
