  • 期刊


The Effects of the Formats of Navigation Interface on Web-based Materials in Cognitive Load and Reading Process




This study explored the effect of different types of hypertext navigation on learners' cognitive load, instructional efficiency, and reading processes in an online reading environment. Three types of navigation namely, ”hierarchical,” ”network,” and ”list” were used in this study. Thirty-four non-science major college students participated in this study, and they were randomly assigned to each group. Participants' eye movements on the ”navigation interface” and ”subject contents” were recorded. Students' response time for a color-changing secondary task served as the measure of their cognitive load level. Post-test results were combined with cognitive load level to generate the instructional efficiency to realize the effectiveness of student learning. Learners' eye movements on the ”navigation interface” and ”reading contents” were recorded by an eye tracker record to realize their reading processes. Using One-way ANOVA and effect size analysis on the aforementioned data, the study found that the types of navigation did not have an impact on student cognitive load and instructional efficiency. However, the ”network” group was found to relies heavily on the guidance of the navigation interface while spent less time reading the ”subject contents.” The hierarchical design of navigation seemed to help learners in clarifying the structure of the hypertext materials. In accordance to the findings of the study, suggestions and recommendations for interface design and for future studies were provided in this paper.


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