  • 期刊


The Assessment Study of Users' Acceptance on Kinect Magic Cursor Integrated into Match Game Learning


本研究旨在探討偏鄉4-6年級學生,使用體感手勢游標(KMC)融入配對遊戲學習之使用接受度評估效果。研究對象為花蓮縣偏鄉某國小4-6年級之學童共25人,採取單一受試者實驗研究法,讓學童分別接受體感手勢游標與滑鼠兩種操作工具融入配對遊戲學習,而後進行接受度測驗之評估,本研究希望透過一種無須手持滑鼠的體感手勢游標(KMC),來檢視體感手勢游標是否具有應用於配對遊戲學習的可行性。經本研究評估結果發現:一、配對遊戲學習之使用接受度評估結果中,體感手勢游標接受度高於滑鼠。二、 不同性別與不同Xbox遊戲經驗受試者對使用接受度之八項評估效標有顯著高相關的認同度。三、 受試者對費用評估校標最重視(29.8%),顯示學生對操作工具選擇時,最大考量的因素是經濟因素。四、 當學生只考慮「費用評估」、「經驗習慣」、「績效預期」的評估因素時,滑鼠的接受度將高於KMC,顯示滑鼠具有這方面的優勢。結果發現,配對遊戲學習之使用接受度評估結果中,發現花蓮某偏鄉小學三至六年級學生使用體感手勢游標的接受度高於滑鼠,亦即建議學校單位在此類型遊戲學習軟體時,可以採用體感手勢游標進行教學活動,以利學生學習,獲致教學成效。以上為研究者提出建議,供未來KMC融入配對遊戲學習活動設計之參考。


體感 互動學習 接受度


The purpose of this study is to assess the elementary students' acceptance on Kinect Magic Cursor (KMC) integrated into match game learning. Participants were 25 students from 4th to 6th grade of Hualien remote area. In order to understand the assessment of users' acceptance, the researchers designed the experimental instruments, the experimental group used KMC tool and the control group used the mouse in match game. The findings revealed that: 1. the acceptance of KMC is higher than mouse. 2. there are significant high correlation acceptance between gender and Xbox games. 3. the most important factor of choosing tool is the expenses. 4. if the users only consider the expenses, the using custom, and the expectative performance, the acceptance of mouse is higher than KMC. According to the results, some recommendations are also proposed for future KMC integrated learning designing.


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