  • 期刊


The Role and Effect of TV Dramas in the Culture Creative Industries: Using "Guardian: The Lonely and the Great God" as an Example


本研究以韓劇《燦爛的守護神:鬼怪》為例,以閱聽人角度探討戲劇節目在文化創意產業中的角色與影響。文化創意設計框架為本研究的主要理論框架並設計為問卷題項。本研究採滾雪球抽樣方式進行問卷調查,發放期間為2017 年9 月17 日至29 日,有效樣本共264 份。研究結果顯示,該劇因有具在地特色、創意與普世價值的劇集腳本而受到歡迎,其他配套如選角、演員演技,與製作品質等,都是這部作品成功的原因。該劇的經濟效益廣大,但不全然出自於具文化創意特色的衍生商品。


文創產業 接受度 影視作品 影響 閱聽人


This study was designed to examine the role and effect of TV series in the cultural creative industries from audience perspective, and "Guardian: The lonely and the great god" was adopted as an example. Cultural Creative Design Program Evaluation was adopted as the research framework to develop a questionnaire. Data was collected from Sep. 17th to Sep. 29th, 2017 with snowball sampling method. A total of 264 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that the participants felt the script with regional feature and creativity is one of the reasons why the TV series are popular. In addition, some other factors, such as casting, actor acting, and production quality should be work together to make the drama series successful. Furthermore, these TV series brought a lot of economic benefits even though those benefits may not come from their derivative products.


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