  • 期刊


The Effect of Creative Teaching Curriculum on Preschoolers' Creativity: Perspectives of Preschoolers' Temperament and Parenting


本研究旨在發展創意教學方案,並從幼兒氣質及家庭教養的觀點,探討此方案是否能提升幼兒創造力,並反思此課程對師生間的影響。研究對象為臺南市某幼兒園9名中班兒童。研究工具採用「新編創造思考測驗」作為測量幼兒創造力之工具。在創意教學方案中,其課程架構結合陳龍安的ATDE模式以及張立信依據A. F. Osborn檢核表的原則,以創出十二種改良物品的方法-「創意十二訣」為基礎,設計11節幼兒創意教學課程。資料分析採用魏克生符號檢定,考驗幼兒創造力在創意教學前後的測驗分數是否有顯著差異。研究結果指出,創意教學方案對於提升幼兒創造力有正面助益,並提供家長和老師未來對幼兒在教養和創意課程教學上之參考依據。


The current study aimed to develop creative teaching curriculum to improve preschoolers' creativity and teaching quality based on the perspectives of preschoolers' temperament and parenting. The total of participants are 9 preschoolers in a kindergarten in Tainan. The "New Creativity Test for the Use with Students in Taiwan" was used in this study. Regarding the creative teaching for preschoolers, the ATDE model and the A. F. Osborn's Checklist were infused in the framework of creative teaching curriculum, which included 11 creative teaching courses for preschoolers on the basis of the method of creating 12 kinds of improved articles - "creative 12 tips". The data analysis was used by multi-variable variation analysis and dependent sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The results showed that creative teaching curriculum for preschoolers are helpful to improve their creativity. Some suggestions for parents and teachers with a reference were provided.
