  • 期刊
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The Relation between Dharma Master Cheng Yen and Her followers-guiding by Way of Virtue




證嚴法師 領袖魅力 慈濟志工


Buddhism is developed vigorously in Taiwan. The Buddhists actively participate in social cultural activities and exhibit caring of society, while the female Buddhists have displayed noticeable power for it. The development and operation of each samgha are strongly related to its leader. The study was based on the work of Venerable Dharma Master Cheng Yen, who has founded the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation for forty-four years. How Master Cheng Yen has not gone to other countries to preach Buddhism but continuously promote the four missions of Tzu Chi Foundation around the world, and attract people with different religions to join in without changing their religions? How does Master Cheng Yen lead and preach Buddhism to Tzu Chi's volunteers all over the world? Is it only the charisma dedicated to the interactive behavior and process of the leader and his followers/adherents? How do non-Buddhist followers and volunteers got inspiration from Mater Cheng Yen's thoughts and explanations of the Sutras (The Buddhist scriptures), and start to believe in Buddhism? According to these questions above, the influences of modem Buddhism were furthered discussed.


