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The Effect of Personality on the Use of Interactive Strategies and the Development of Interpersonal Relationship: A Study of College Students in Taiwan


研究發現,人際關係的困擾是台灣大學生生活壓力的來源之一,而人際關係問題也是影響大學生生活適應與學習的主要因素。大學階段若能與同儕有良好的互動,建立友誼關係,有助於其成熟期的人際關係發展。而良好的人際關係受到溝通互動技巧與人格特質的影響。因此本研究目的在探討大學生人格特質、人際關係品質與人際互動策略之關係。 本研究以滾雪球與便利取樣,採用網路填寫問卷與紙本問卷的發放方式,共得206位受試者參與研究,男生92人,女生114人。所得資料以因數分析與項目分析檢測量表的信度。以T檢定與皮爾森相關分析,檢測人格特質、人際互動策略和人際關係,以及人口變項之關聯。 本研究發現不同的人格特質確實會使用不同的人際互動策略,而個人人格特質也確實影響其人際關係品質的好壞。與人互動時,外向開放性、嚴謹自律性、經驗開放性三種人格特質傾向越明顯的人,越傾向於使用主動與互動策略;而且他們在同學、老師、朋友、家人與異性五個層面的人際關係品質都較好。而神經質人格特質傾向越明顯的人,越傾向於使用被動策略;而他們與家人、同學與異性三個層面的人際關係品質較差。


Research indicates that interpersonal relationship is one of the major factors affecting the life-adjustment and learning of college students in Taiwan. A well-developed interpersonal relationship in college stages will help individuals to establish meaningful relationship in their adult lives. However, the development of interpersonal relationship is affected by individuals' personality and interpersonal communication. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of personality on interactive strategies and on the development of interpersonal relationship among college students in Taiwan. Self-report questionnaires were used in this study. Snow-ball and convenient samplings were used to recruit respondents nation-wide in Taiwan. Data for analysis were provided by 206 participants. Data were analyzed by using factor analysis and item analysis to test scale reliability. Pearson correlation and t-test were used to examine the correlations among personality, interactive strategies, and interpersonal relationship, as well as demographic variables. Results indicated that individuals' personality traits could be used to predict their interactive strategies and their interpersonal relationship. Extraversion, openness, conscientiousness were positively correlated with active and interactive strategies, and negatively associated with passive strategies; these three types of personality predicted a better quality of relationship with friends, opposite-sex friends, classmates, teachers and family members. Neuroticism was positively associated with the use of passive strategy, and predicted a low quality of relationship with friends, opposite-sex friends and family members.


