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An Analysis of the South Korean Television Soundtrack "My Love from the Star" in a Global Context


本文主要分析2013年流行於中國、台灣、香港、日本及印尼等地的韓國電視劇《來自星星的你》配樂裡西方古典音樂素材及作曲技巧的運用。如同華格納在樂劇(music drama)或當代電影配樂的手法,《來自星星的你》配樂運用的主導動機(leitmotif)有四個:星星主題,愛情主題,時空穿越主題以及漂移動機,每一個主導動機都與角色、情境、情緒息息相關;同時,這些主導動機依其對應的角色與劇情轉變進行變奏。其次,配樂中使用的西方古典音樂風格包含有巴洛克時期(1600-1750)、古典時期(1750-1820)、浪漫時期(1820-1900)、20世紀(印象樂派、現代主義),甚至當代流行的拉丁探戈與曼波舞曲風格。這些多變的音樂風格不但符合劇中故事的所涵蓋的時間(1609-2016),也適切地烘托故事與視覺影像的情緒轉折。最後,本文探討《來自星星的你》電視配樂如何透過全球文化架構下熟悉的西方古典音樂元素,成功地使非韓國文化圈的人們感受到人類共同的情感。


This purpose of this article is to discuss how compositional techniques from western classical music are used in the television soundtrack of the South Korean TV series "My Love from the Star", which was popular in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and Indonesia in 2013. First, the main leitmotifs of this soundtrack: Star theme, Love theme, Time-Space Transferring themes and Drifting motif are associated with the specific leading roles, characters and emotions. The themes and motif can be varied in order to fit the changes of the new situations, similar to film music or Wagnerian music drama. Secondly, the musical styles within this soundtrack which include Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, and 20^(th)/21^(st)-Century styles, also reflect the period of time occurring in the story (1609-2016). The varied musical styles appropriately matched the characteristics and visual images. Finally, "My Love from the Star" television soundtrack used the elements of western classical music, which is popular in a global context, to successfully transmit common human emotions with audiences unfamiliar with Korean culture.
