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Parenting Factors and Peer's Substance Use Behavior Associated with Adolescent Substance Use: A Meta-analysis of Longitudinal Studies


研究背景:過去幾年台灣青少年物質使用的人口有逐年增加的趨勢,不管是菸、酒、或是毒品的使用,對青少年短期或長期的身心健康都會帶來負面的影響。過去研究發現,青少年所處環境的微觀系統(例如家庭和同儕),是青少年物質使用行為的影響因子;但是這兩者的相對影響力為何,則仍待研究檢驗。因此本研究針對家庭因素(父母物質使用行為和對子女使用物質的態度、以及家長監督和支持)和及同儕因素(同儕物質使用、同儕對物質使用的態度)對青少年物質使用的影響,選取縱貫性研究的結果進行後設分析。研究方法:本研究蒐尋包括Medline, PsycINFO, and PsycARTICLES等三個電子資料庫中與青少年物質使用相關的研究,納入條件為(1)縱貫性研究期刊文章(2)家長和同儕物質使用行為、家長的監督和支持為預測變項(3)青少年菸、酒和毒品使用為結果變項;排除條件包括(1)合併其他精神疾患(2)療效研究(3)實驗設計(4)質性研究(5)文章中未提供完整統計。最後共計39篇研究符合以上條件進入後設分析。研究結果與討論:研究結果顯示,家長使用物質會增加青少年子女使用物質的機會;與使用物質的同儕互動可預測青少年的物質使用行為。家長的監督和支持,以及傳達反對物質使用的態度則可降低青少年物質使用的可能性。依後設分析的結果,家長的參與以及青少年同儕應納入青少年物質使用預防和介入策略上的重要指標。


Purpose: Adolescent substance use is a growing concern in Taiwan over the past two decades. Research has shown that young people engaging in alcohol, tobacco, or drug use are at greater risk of suffering short-term as well as long-term negative consequences. Studies indicate that the micro-level system of adolescents, including substance problems of parents, parenting style, and peers' substance use, all significantly predict adolescent substance use behavior. Nevertheless only few studies investigated the relative extent to which parental and peer influences affect adolescents' substance use behavior. The purpose of the current study is to probe the relative impact of parenting factors and peers substance use on adolescent substance use behavior. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in Medline, PsycINFO, and PsycARTICLES. Inclusion criteria for the review were (1) used a longitudinal design (2) measured any parenting factors or peers substance use in adolescence as predictors, (3) measured any alcohol, tobacco, or drug use during adolescence as outcome variables. Studies were excluded if (1) substance use was combined with other psychiatric diagnoses, (2) examining treatment effects, (3) experimental design studies, (4) qualitative studies, and (5) relevant statistics were not provided in the text. A total of 39 articles were identified for meta-analyses. Results and Discussion: The results revealed that parental substance use increase the likelihood of substance use behaviors of adolescents. Interacting with peers who use substance significantly predicated adolescents' substance use behavior. Risk of adolescent substance use was negatively associated with parental disapproval of substance use, it is also negatively correlated with parental monitoring and support. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating the micro-level system of adolescents into the prevention and intervention of adolescents' substance use.
