  • 期刊



注意力缺失過動症(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)人口在臺灣有逐年增加的趨勢,隨著融合教育的推廣,未來對體育教師勢必是一大挑戰。近年來,運動或動作訓練的效益逐漸受到重視,愈來愈多的研究開始探討運動介入ADHD學生之成效性。本文透過電子資料庫系統蒐尋並整理及分析2004年後以運動介入ADHD學生之成效性研究後發現,運動對於提升ADHD學生的動作技巧、認知功能、社交技巧、學業表現與症狀改善均有正面的效益。本文文末綜合文獻結果並分析討論,提出針對ADHD學生未來研究與教學上的建議,期望能對現職體育教師或從事ADHD運動介入相關工作者有實質上的幫助。


運動介入 學生


Prevalence rates of individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Taiwan are increasing gradually. With the promotion of inclusive education, it will become a significant challenge for physical education teachers in the future. In recent years, the effects of physical exercise or motor skill training have received great attention, and many studies have begun to discuss the effects of exercise intervention on students with ADHD. The purpose of this review was to discuss the effects of exercise intervention on students with ADHD based on the literature collecting from multi electronic data bases published after the year of 2004. Findings indicated that physical exercise did improve ADHD symptoms and have positive effects on motor skills, cognitive functions, social skills, and academic performance in students with ADHD. All reviewed studies were summarized, discussed, and analyzed at the end of this paper, and hopefully these findings would provide practical assistances to physical education teachers and those who engaged in the work related to exercise intervention for this population.


ADHD exercise intervention students
